Consultation on Prevention from CV&SA
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Consultation on Prevention from CV&SA
The consultation process was organized to bring together government representatives, legal experts, civil society organisations, education providers, the media and academics, alongside community representatives in order to understand current services/interventions with a view to explore partnerships for:
- The prevention of child violence and sexual abuse through public awareness raising campaigns
- Supporting the recovery, reintegration and well-being of children who have been sexually abused or are vulnerable through developing a framework
To keep the consultation well focused on the objective participation was kept in control by inviting selected number of participants giving preference to:
- Representation from civil society with decision making powers at their respective CBO/NGO.
- Relevant government departments.
- Advocate working for juvenile and child abuse related cases
- Eidhi foundation (regarding support for vulnerable children)
Mr. Zubair was invited by Zafar Iqbal after recitation and Bhajan by Hindu community present. He introduced himself and started the session for introduction of participants. Introducing MC Mr. Zubair Country Director Zubair Shah presented a brief history of MC and the interventions made by MC to utilize the funds generated through the charity made by Muslims around the world, focused on the welfare of humans around the globe.
Mentioning the projects supported by MC, he narrated that MC has provided incubators to hospitals, for the projects related to WASH MC has provided hand pumps and solar wells in areas like Cholistan and Thar with a focus to provide safe drinking water to those who have no access to water. MC has also been providing services to children of the women from red light area. A place where kids suffer with issue of no fathers name no identity, no bay Form for their registration, no CNIC and hence no right to vote, get education and even health facilities. Those who belong to the red light area of Lahore and are not eligible to get their children admitted in govt. schools their children don’t even have citizenship to claim any of their rights.
He also mentioned that MC has created a library at Hyderabad and is building a model school, where the kids will also get their feed along with the education. He further informed that MC is also running a project named “Children of the World” since four years under which, the children who are addicted and are destitute are supported to make them a useful citizen. They get education, skill and religious education too.
To provide awareness for children to save them from Child Violence and Sexual Abuse MSWS is selected as the organization is well versed in performing arts and the best mode of providing awareness is theater which works better than any debate or speech. There MSWS is soon going to present a different type of informative theater in Multan to bring a change and provide awareness regarding child protection and hotline 1121. MSWS is going to use a lively famous among children cartoon “Doremon” transforming into the local name with “Moray Don” and informative performances will be organized within the community and at various institutes.
To take the discussion further he invited Mr. Irfan Rajput, Director of Muslim Charity to continue the intro of MC and take the session onwards.
Presenting a history of distribution and misuse of funds provided to Pakistan since 1997. He stated that if funds were used properly no person would have left unaware of child rights and be a responsible parent to ensure rights of the child. He briefed that MC works on the basis of the Sadqa, Khairat, Zakat and other forms of charity made by Muslims around the world. He also briefed that the work pattern of MC is not to engage national level or huge organizations, but effectiveness of work done by MC is because of engaging city level or even mohallah level organizations, as they have the maximum reach to the people in need. He informed the participants that this session is not going to be a traditional training session but we will be leaving with solid commitments, along with identifying the resources needed to fulfil your commitment and make your dreams for change become a reality.
Cutting down the long discussion into result oriented activity, all the participants to choose members whom they least know as it’s the time to do some positive work without wasting more time in just discussions.
When everyone got a seat across 5 tables present, the task of writing down three issues faced by the children of Multan, after discussing it with the other participants sitting on the same table. In addition participants will also note down the issues being faced by vulnerable children of Multan and at the end participants were asked to focus on child sexual violence and measures taken by any entity to counter such issues or status of prevention available.
During the group work, Mr. Irfan kept on narrating, each time a different issue faced by a child in Multan, after every five minutes.
At last the participants were asked to present their group-work before others and one member from each group could ask a question to the presenter/group leader about any point presented in the presentation.
Almost all the groups in their presentation concluded that poverty, family irresponsibility, lack of education are the main causes of issues being faced by children. Besides the group No 4 with Nand Lal (Social Welfare Officer) added addiction and group No. 5 named as “”بچوں کے تحفظ کی آگاہی with a disabled participant Zahida Majeed, mentioned not giving importance to disabled children regarding his/her birth registration and negligence faced by his parents and society.
As the poverty and education became almost the common issue by all the groups, Facilitator asked the participant what do the mean by poverty or what is the definition of poverty?
Everyone presented a different answer, mentioning rise in inflation, low on resources, not having proper income or facilities, no control on making both ends meet etc. But the facilitator gave a totally new context to understand poverty by participants. He provided three definitions for poverty:
- Negative thinking or unavailability of positive thinking
- Not to use opportunity is also one form of poverty
- Poverty is Corruption for those whose resources are stolen by corrupt
Later explaining education he negated education having certificates and degrees of various levels of institute, but education relates to building of consciousness, awareness of values and life.
Later Mr. Irfan asked the participants to commit at-least one step they will take to resolve the issue they have mentioned in their group-work/ presentation. Each of the participants was invited to stage and to express his/her commitment, to which following commitments were made:
Yasmin Khakwani
Will visit 10 schools and replicate the learnings from this session.
Nand Lal
Committed that he being a master trainer will replicate the learnings from this consultation session. He also mentioned that he also provides trainings and psycho-social-support at jail and other government related events and trainings.
Zahida Hameed
Being a disabled lady stated that she will provide awareness to parents of 10 disabled girls, to whom their parents are not being responsible for providing education. Will herself provide education to them. Moreover she will provide monthly expenses of such girls too.
Shehbaz Hussain
Will provide education to 10 girls engaged in domestic work
Shehzad Ahmed Ghauri
Visit 5 households of his area whom he knows and will make them aware to be responsible parents for the sake of the future of their children.
Muhammad Jamil
Will organize two sports events on monthly basis and engage children in healthy activities.
Umm-e- Laila
Provide education to 5 children of her area and also provide counselling to two parents for being responsible towards educating their children.
Khurram Shehzad
Provide psycho social support to 10 children of his area
Shakuntla Devi
Will provide financial support to 10 children and provide awareness to their parents about being responsible towards their kids.
Nazish Nadeem
Stated that she will provide counselling to 5 parents and herself provide education to their 5 kids for one year.
Hanif Laal
Agreed to take steps for helping Hindu and Christian community getting admission to 50 children in Govt. schools.
Farzana Irum
Agreed to provide food to 15-20 children.
Aneela Ashraf
Will provide Life Skill based Education to 5 mothers and their children, will also initiate steps to introduce concept of Pink Schools, as a Pink school was made in Lahore.
Abida Habib
Visit brick 10 kilns and provide awareness to parents focusing them to agree upon sending 10-20 kids from community to schools.
Nadeem Qadri
Will visit parks with his family and provide the awareness to kids and families present there. He also committed that he will provide awareness to 5 mothers to be responsible for their child’s education. In addition he will provide food to 10-20 kids of brick kiln workers
Moazamma Hasnain Adv
Will give special care to juvenile cases, volunteering support to needy and deserving clients. Wave off her fees regarding hearings of deserving cases.
Formation of Child Protection Committee
Mr. Irfan Rajpoot briefed about the future plan, stating that the consultation is not just a sit together type of meeting, but we are leaving the hall after agreeing upon the commitment to work. The work was suggested to identify those who are willing to do something for the welfare of children. He added that a committee is going to be formed and 7 members team is needed to volunteer their services for the task. He elaborated that the committee will receive applications from individuals, CBOs and NGOs. Welfare Groups can also be engaged according to their suggestion and its feasibility for welfare of children. He announced that as acquiring funds directly from MC is quite a difficult and lengthy process, therefore MSWS from now onwards will act as a principal organization and its head Zafar Iqbal as the General Secretary of “Multan Child Protection Committee”. Other 6 members can volunteer their services, for whom the floor is open.
He also clarified the type of fund disbursed by the committee. According the rules three type of funds will be disbursed by the committee
- Fund for the Individual : Maximum amount could be 3 lac per applicant
- Fund for CBO with a bank account: Maximum limit of fund for one year could be six lac
- Funds for NGO: Maximum limit of fund provided can be up to 9 lac PKR
All funds will necessarily be used for the welfare and development of kids. Amember of the committee is not eligible to apply for fund, yet he can apply for upcoming RFP by MC.
Participants volunteered to be member of the committee were
- Zafar Iqbal General Secretary
- Hamad Raza member to manage Technical Issues
- Yasmin Khakwani President
- Shehbaz Hussain Vice President
- Nand Lal Member
- Zahida Hameed Member
- Farzana Irum Member
Ms. Moazamma Adv. was requested to come forward and administer oath taking by the newly selected members of the committee
Before concluding the activity guests of honor were asked to present their views about that day’s activity. To which District Director Child Protection and Welfare Bureau Mr. Irfan was called upon stage to share the work of his department and his views about the consultation.
Mr. Irfan introduced CP&WB is working jointly with Muslim Charity and contracts among both the institutes are mutually agreed and signed. He informed that the bureau gathers all the information just like the incident of Usman Abad and other issues related to child. The bureau deals every kid whether destitute or runaway or found helpless by police is handed over to Child promotion and welfare Bureau for which the bureau holds itself responsible to provide care, shelter, food, education and protection until the child reaches the age of 18 years. He further briefed that ASJ-1 performs the duties of presiding officer at CPW&B. He also informed that the hotline 1121 is operated by Home department directly from Lahore and are handed over to CP&WB. the mission of the bureau is to treat the destitute children in a way to empower them, mentioning a Chinese saying that if we feed fish to a person he can have a meal for one time only, yet if he is taught fishing, he can eat a fish daily without asking further food support from anyone else. He also informed that a computer lab is also being created by Muslim Charity at Multan CP&WB. Children getting education there will become a responsible citizen of Pakistan and will be brought back to mainstream to take part in development of Pakistan.
Dr. Irfan from Eidhi Foundtion was invited next who shared that every human being of age from one day to the last day of his life can consult Eidhi Foundation to which we are always ready to support. He also informed that currently the foundation is building a space to provide shelter to those who have no one to look after them. Such people are not those who have no one in world but most of the people contacting Eidhi Foundation have spent their life caring their children and when they are thought to be of no use they are separated from their families and no shelter is provided to them from their family for whom they have given their all life. Eidhi help those and strives for their shelter, food and living. Everyone in need is welcomed by Eidhi. He thanked for organizing such an event and thinking of those children who in one way or other are in dire need to be supported.
Deputy District Officer Population Welfare Mr. Hassan Raza was the next one to come on stage and share his views about the activity. Appreciating the bold step of MC he thanked MSWS to organize such a consultation for the development of kids. He also appreciated the future plans of MC for which according to strategy a committee comprising of very local people were engaged. Sharing a message of his department he stated that we must be careful before increasing our family. If we plan our family wisely there will be no issues of children or no more destitute children will be seen on streets.
Nand Lal, Social Welfare Officer was very happy to express that this is a very new model to provide approach to reach the people not only at city level but at street and mohallah level too. The funds announced are so easy to have access to, that anyone with justified commitment can have access even at individual level. He appreciated Mr. Irfan Rajput to share the conceptual clarity to all and motivated participants about new themes and ideas to put them back into action and be a change-maker of Multan.
Concluding the event Mr. Irfan shared his own personal number and stated that he can be consulted whenever needed for any complaints or clarity.
Zafar Iqbal Shaheen
Zafar Iqbal Shaheen is the Executive Director of the Society and is selected as General Secretary of the committee MCPC. All members will be elected after 3 years except the General Secretary of the committee.
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Yasmin Khakwani (President)
Yasmin Khakwani was selected as the President of the 7 member committee formed for Multan Child Protection Committee. SheS expressed that she will Will visit 10 schools and replicate the learnings from this session. She also committed to provide awareness to people especially parents of young girls to helptheir children become positive part of society and live a healthy life being an educated child and this way they can be saved from the evils of the society.
Shehbaz Hussain (Vice President)
ShehbazHussain after taking oath as Vice President affirms to fulfill his responsibilities. Shahbaz Hussan represents Amam Welfare Organization and is committed to provide his srvices for the development and wekfare of destitute and vulnerable children. He also committed to provide education to 10 girls engaged in domestic work and will facilitate their parents of their responsibility regarding the rights of their kid and their responsibilities.