Training on non-formal Education
Training to provide education to community kids using syllabus specially designed for non-formal education, has been started from 28th of March, 2022, which will continue till 1st of April. through thiss training the techers hired by IPs for the project MVCF will get the training on non formal education. this training will enable them to understand the syllabus being used for the non-formal edducaation schools.
The syllabus is especially developed by JICA to provide a fast paced training to street children. this will help to make street children get educated in less time with quick education enabling them to cover the syllabus equivalent to primary class with in 32 months.
Teachers claim that this method to teach is very new for them and it will help those children get educated who have never attended school, yet such a syllabus will never let them disengage from studies.
Initially 3 books are used to provide education, books are for Urdu, English and Mathematics.

The partners engaged for non-formal education training are:
- Human Dignity Group (Community Interest Group) Sultan Mehmood
- Appa Community Group (APPA CommunityCenter) led by Zubaida Razzak
- Ishtiaq Ahmed (Individual IP)
- Muhammad Ajmal (Individual IP)
total Number of 8 paticipants attended the training session. Including the two individual IPs accompanied with teachers and coordinators of the two community interest groups
Initially the intro of the non formal education was discussed, it also came into discussion that why teachers use the syllabus developed for non formal education, was described by Ms. Shabram Fareed. She also shared that when it comes to teaching children to read, who are old enough to sit among Kindergarten students and study using the same syllabus, will make them feel differently yet the syllabus developed by GICA uses a fast paced learning methodology. There are two main teaching methods. These two methods are: the whole word or whole language method, (in urdu alif bye الف بائی طریقہ تدریس) and phonetic method or phonics approach method, (in urdu صوتی طریقہ تدریس) .
Some prefer the whole language method (الف بائی طریقہ تدریس) while others use the phonics approach, and there are also educators that use a mix of different approaches. But who is right?
There are large numbers of studies which have consistently stated that teaching children to read using phonemic awarenes is a highly effective method.
Keeping in view the students engaged by MVCF (Multan Vulnerable Child Fund) Implementing partners the children are mostly labours from workshops, engaged in doing odd jobs in market, working on their own, or are selected from street children of age 7 years and above. these children are practically working in the market and have a different point of view towards practical life. they are more in to earning thant to plan for their future, neither their parents feel responsible to think about.
Therefore through this intervention the Implementing Partners have identified the teachers and the individual IPs themselves are made to get training on teaching using the syllabus being provided to them. As the syllabus is not ordinary and is based on a different teaching method, all the appointed personnel involved in providing education must be aware of non formal education system nnd the syllabus being used in it.
The three subjects, for which the training is provided are
- Urdu
- English
- Mathematics
The overall methodology used in the syllabus is phonetic. Teachers engaged in the training had to spare 5 days to get an understanding of the syllabus as well as teaching methodology. It was also shared that, using this syllabus, a student can get the knowledge equivalent to the primary class student taught in an ordinary school.
Pictures of the Training