Posters published by MSWS

  • IEC Material Publishedby MSWS


    publicity board for the promotion of the theaters performed by MSWS to educate and capacitate children how to save themselves from CSA

    MSWS with the support of Muslim Charity is working on protection of child from sexual abuse and exploitation.

  • Charity


    Charity has been the key tasks of the organization. Whether its the  Ramazan and Eid is approaching or food for Iftar during Ramazan. MSWS has provided Eid Gifts and Iftar boxes to the community.

    Meal for Iftar is being distributed to a kid at Nag Shah, Multan
IEC Material, a poster to raise awareness regarding Child Sexual Abuse
poster to provide awareness regarding PDNC Act 2004
Poster to make children aware about ways a perpetrator shows sweet dreams and makes them prey to his illicit agenda.
A poster to promote hotline of child protection and welfare bureau
poster displaying most important articles of PDNC-2004 (Punjab Destitute And Neglicted Child Act 2004
publicity board for the promotion of the theaters performed by MSWS to educate and capacitate children how to save themselves from CSA
poster on awareness about Safety from Sexual Abuse
poster on awareness about Safety from Sexual Abuse
poster on awareness about Safety from Sexual Abuse
poster on awareness about Safety from Sexual Abuse
poster on awareness about Safety from Sexual Abuse