Implementing Partners of MVCF
Ishtiaq Ahmed ia B.A, B.Ed, and is a teacher by profession. through his Project Save Our Cildren, from Siddique Akbar Road, Ismaeel Abad, Multan, will engage 30 girls and 20 boys of age group 5 to 12 years. through his project children will be provided basic education will be provided using the syllabus introduce by Education Department to provide non formal education inn collaboration with JICA.
He will also ensure the B-Form registraatio of the children engaged in his project. the duration of the project will be 1 year starting from 1st of February 2022 till the 31st of January, 2023.
The children engaged by him are street children working to collect garbage, or working at the food dhaba and have never attended school in the past. the project will enssure that the children enrolled at his projects intervention will be enrolled in government regular school by the end of the project.
Update till 22 March
since the inception, 13 boys and 11 girl street children have been enrolled till 22 March 2022. Total number of students to be engaged are 50, yet to date Total number of 24 students have been enrolled. class time allocated for these enrolled students is 01:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
later the students will be applied to be registered by NADRA and recognized as Pakistani Citizens.

Asghar Madni
Asghar Madni is an M.phil in International Relations and PhD research scholar for Political Science committed to implement Save Children from Drivers” as an individual. his implementation will result in engaging administration of 20 schools, whereas the drivers who provide pick and drop the children, one driver from each will also be engaged as the pilot phase to make the school administration to make them believe how important it is to make the drivers verified by one five (1-5) verification service, by police. This will enable to know about the character of the driver though his police records. this will provide and extra layer of protection to children who are dropped and taken by such drivers.
Such children although are taken from home in form of a grouop but before they transform into a group the very first child and the last one drop at the end of the day are alone when travel to their destination. At that time They are vulnerable. therefore, this project will help to make the parents as well as the school administration, to take steps to know the driver in a better way. this will help ensure the security and prevention of children.
Until today, the 18th March, 2022 two sessions have been conducted as follows:
- BM School System, Bosan Road, Multan
- Govt Rafah-e-Aam High School, Bagh Langay Khan.
Update tof Madni Asghar till 22 March. 22
3 meeting with School administration and parents have been organized,
3 Video sessions on Self Protection and driver police verification done till to date1 School driver one-five police verification received

Muhammad ImranSaro is a M.Phil. transgender. Saro is an individual implementing partner of MVCF project.The name of the project implemented by Imran Saro is Transgender Learning Step. through the project it is expected that 10 trnsgender kids will be engaged in eduction by getting them enrolled in school for Transgender, by Govt. of Punjab. the transgender enrolled will be of 11 to 14 years of age. furthermore, Saro will mobilize the parents of respective transgender to get reunited with the respective parents.
It would be mandatory for Saro to take steps for providing the Quranic education to enrolled transgender. The education of Quran could be atleast as little as Nazra,e.Quran.
According to the updates 2 transgender hchildren have been identified and will soon be enrolled. To provide protection to TG children Saro will also organize meetings with TG.gurus of Multan, these meetings will ensure that Gurus will protect the TG with them to get sexually assualted and to be enrolled at TG school, whereas their registeration with NADRA and getting registration (B-Form) will also be ensured.
Shahid Iqbal Shani TG is BS Psychology, working a teacher in Government school for transgender, Multan and is implementing a project named “Counseling and enrollments of TGs children'”. Through this project counseliing will be provided to TG children to counter the stigma faced by them. Number of 12 TGs identified will also get birt registeration, B-Form and enrolled in TG Schools. Teaching holy Quran to Muslim transgender is also part of the implementation. To engage transgenders in social activities and raise the acceptability in the society steps will be taken to observe UN international days. One of the activity was observed on 8th of March while observing internatinal day for women.
Iqbal Shani has been successfull to get 4 TG enrolled at the Govt. Transgender School.
Updated till 22 March, 2022
Till the 22nd of March 22, 2022, 7 TG kids have been enrolled in Transgender School. As per the Commitment for implementation 10 TG kids were to be enrolled in Govt. TG School, having 7 enrolled makes Iqbal Shani successful to be very close to the targeted number of TG enrolled in Govt TG School.
1st Student Laiba on 7th feb
2nd student sono on 8th feb
3rd Student Shayan Shan
4th Student Silk
5th student Mahi
6th student rimsha
7th student Muskan
In addition, as per the submitted implementationpkan
Meeting with gurus at the Deras of:
- Guru Moon
- Guru Ash Malik
- Guru Sheela

Update by Shani on 23rd March
Madam Ghazal Ghazi coordinator women protection authority, Samson Salamt Chairman Rawadari tahreek and Madam Alisha sherazi TG project manager trans education, notables and religious influentials were invited in a meeting tiled “Pakistan Zindabad Conference” to raise trans acceptability among general public. Event was organized by Rawadari Tahreek. 7 Transgender participated in the event yet participation by other sects and faith was also witnessed.
Madam Alisha and Samson Slamat gave statement about transgender rights and education and acceptance of trans in society

Update of 24th March, 2022
Iqbal Shani TG and 5 of the newly enrolle transgender visited MSWS office. they were given the briefing about the issue of reporting using the reporting format shared with Iqbal Shani earlier. the enrolled transgenders were also engaged in aa discussion about the life before coming in contact with Shani and becoming a part of the project being implemented under MVCF.
the guidelines of submitting pictures and regular reportings on monthly basis was also shared. Sharing the planning sof each activity alongwith the post activity update of the challenges and mitigation strategy was also part of the discussion.
on 23rd of marh Shani was also engaged in a meeting with Rawadari, proceedings of which were shared by Iqbal Shani.