Phase Started in October 2023

Multan Vulnerable Child protection Fund, after the completion of first three phases entered into the fourth phase and following new partners were engaged in fourh phase.

Following applicants were awardd to implement their projects as per the proposals:

Project under Girls Hope Community Interest Group led by Sadia, This project provides the girls karate skills for their own self defence.  The lead instructor herself is a black belt and a champion, awarded in multiple events and  competions of National and Provincial level

Girl's Hope Community Interest Group

Strong and Resilient vulnerable children are our Future

Project “Strong and Resilient vulnerable children  are our Future” was awarded to the community interest group under Community Interest Group led by Sadia Iqbal. This project will provide girls self defence through karate training, a skill for their self defence.  Project is being implemented at two venues.

  1. Sadiq Colony at a School owned by Appa Community Centre 
  2. Near Bilal Chowk at the Residence of Ms. Sadia Iqbal Lead Trainer under the Project 

this will also help to engage more vulnerable children and building a synergy among Gril’s hope Community Interest Group with Appa Community Centre , where vulnerable children especially girls are being provided non formal educationand training for home economics too.

the venue at Bilal Chowk, is the residence of The lead instructor Sadia Iqbal herself is a black belt and a champion, winning awards, medals and Shields in various championships amd competitions accross the country in multiple events and  competions of Provincial and National   level

girls being trained for self defence under the project "Strong and Resilient Vulnerable Children are our Future " ny CIG Girls hope" with lead trainer Ms. Sadia
Girl students under the project Strong and Resilient vulnerable children are our Future

Project skills for success by CIG Girls Hope

Girlls Hope CIG Project

girls gettingTrained to become beautician  under the project  Girls Hope administred at Sabzazar and Opp. Buch Villas

Beautician Training "Project skills for success" by Imrana at Sabzazar and Basti Opposite Buch Villas, Bosan road Multan

girls gettingTrained to become beautician  under the project  Girls Hope administred at a beauty parlour at Sabzazar 

girls at Girls Hope Training Centre under project to learn beautician as part of project skills for success

Project approved by MCPC and funded by MVCF. Girls belonging to mothers who work as a maid in cummunity houses gettingTrained to become beautician  under the project  Girls Hope administred at a venue located  Opp. Buch Villas,  Girls dream to earn a living implementing the skills provided through this course.

Save Our Life

Project by CIG Save our Life by Ishtiaq, Project :Save Our Future at Basti Ghausia Shershah Road, Multan. The project was first awarded during first phase and the progress and the fullfilment of commitment by streamline students to other schools in upper classes as regular students, helped the CIG to participate in fourth phase.


Appa Community Center

Appa Community centrewas engaged during the second phase of Appa CIG, which  worked upto the mark by educating Vulnererable children making them an active citizen of Pakistan. in current phase the students are also being provided home economics training and under the synergy with Girls Hope CIG, students are also provided the self defence sessions. Appa CIG was one of those IPs which streamkined students fron second phase to regular academic institutes/schools. This was also a reason to lrt them continue to sup[port vulnerable children. 

girls getting education at Appa Community Center, Sadiq Colony
homr economics Xlass being conducted for vulnerable girls who accompany their mothers who work domesically in nearby area, the Appa-community-center project not only provides education and streamlined 50 studetnts in phase 2 of Project but also provigidijng training of home economics and making them from vulnerable to much more active part of society

Mehfooz Bacha Khushhal Muashra


Taleem o Tijarat


Taleem o Tijarat is being implemented by an NGO, as the first project awarded to an NGO by MuslimCharity under MVCF. under this project the Organization “PHDF” will help train 25 girls to learn computers and at the end of this one year long pject number of 7 girls will be identified and to provide further education about ECommerce . the project will also help build E-Commerce website for the students and to further support in making contacts socially overy internet with markets where they get business for their skills, promoted over their own website. to further enhance their skills stuedents will be introduced to platforms like :

  1. Amazon: 
  2. eBay:
  3. Etsy:
  4. Shopify:
  5. AliExpress:
  6. WooCommerce:
  7. Magento:

and according to the capacity and  interest of students and av ailability to connect while living in (Multan) Pakistan